Online Courses

LEAP Weekly Webinar Series

In just 20-minutes webinars, our team explores new cutting-edge topics, discusses research based evidence and provides easily implementable techniques.

0.00 USD

DNA Psychological Safety Manager Training

Program Overview:

Our comprehensive Manager Training Program is designed to equip leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to foster a supportive and high-performing team environment. This program emphasizes the importance of psychological safety and the concept of the leadership balcony, ensuring managers can navigate and excel in their roles with confidence and empathy.

Program Structure:

  1. Live In-Person Training Session
  2. Three One-Hour Virtual Sessions:

Resources and Recordings:

All participants will receive access to:

  • Presentation slides and training materials
  • Video recordings of tpsychological safety sessions
  • Additional reading materials and resource links
  • A dedicated online forum for ongoing discussion and support

This training program ensures managers are well-prepared to create a psychologically safe workplace and lead with clarity from the leadership balcony, fostering a culture of trust, innovation, and growth.

0.00 USD

The Blueprint to Extraordinary Relationships

This teleseminar is all about learning to see someone through the "Green Lens". With five easy guidelines, looking at a situation or person in a positive, trusting, and respectful way has never been more possible. In only 60 minutes, you will have the tools and skill sets necessary to completely change the way you view situations to produce the most extraordinary outcomes.

9.99 USD

Leadership Communication Mini-Series

Explore the "Conversational Essentials" in this six module, online course. Each module provides research-based information, cutting-edge activities, and transformational coaching tools and skill sets.

These five proven techniques cultivate an open mindset within ourselves and allow us to build deeper connections with others.

The Conversational Essentials are conversational practices that can 'reset' your neurochemistry for trust and activate the ability to co-create with others.

99.97 USD

Being One's Fullest Contribution: A Psychologically Safe Workplace

Being One's Fullest Contribution: A Psychologically Safe Workplace is an eLearning series designed to explore the fundamentals of psychological safety: speak up, listen up and follow up.

This eLearning will introduce participants to the importance of psychological safety in the workplace and the research that supports the need to cultivate it within your teams and organizations.

This program was specially designed to provide research and knowledge paired with implementable techniques and interactive activities to practice the new skills.

It's time to support all employees in bringing their fullest self to work.

49.97 USD